Four individuals whom I have worked with in the High Performance sports world have graciously provided some comments regarding what their experience has been like working with me.  I am including their comments to hopefully give you a sense of what working with me might look and feel like.  

University (U-Sport) Athlete - "After every mental training session with Mark, I left feeling more confident in my own athletic abilities as I had developed effective mental strategies.  Strategies which I could practically apply to practice, competition, and life.

Through working with Mark, I have begun to understand what it truly means to pursue the best version of myself as an individual, and as an athlete.  My athletic experience has revealed that in order to excel in high-level sport, we must be able to control our mind - our thoughts, our attitude, and our emotions.  Training with Mark has taught me how to gain control of my mind and what I can do, think, and say to ensure I have given myself the greatest opportunity to perform my best.

Training with Mark has been one of the most impactful experiences of my athletic career.  He has helped me overcome mental blocks which were inhibiting me from performing my best and pursuing the best version of myself - mental blocks that I did not know how to overcome on my own."

 University (U-Sport) Head Coach - "Mark's role with our team has been very important and has enhanced the performance of our athletes.  His ability to connect with them, while making his sessions very effective have allowed for the most learning.  We very much appreciate the work Mark does."

 Provincial Team Head Coach - "Mark Epp is a person who exemplifies the best version of himself through his passionate desire to provide the athletes with mental training tools that can be used in their daily training and in competitive competitions.  With his teaching background, he presents his message in a way that the athletes can relate to and internalize.  The mental tools he promotes with the athletes are tools that individual athletes can identify with.  He challenges the athletes to be passionate about their involvement in their mental training through his positive learning environment.  A focus for our training has been the "pursuit of excellence" and Mark has supported this theme through his development of the session's content and tools.  He has provided our athletes with many "ah-ha" moments."

 High Performance Club Head Coach - “My team had three sessions with Mark over the course of our season. Our young athletes were attentive each session, and each theme was easy to understand and follow along with. Not everything clicked for them after one session, but after the third session, everything seemed to come full circle. The athletes believed that Mark’s sessions gave them insight into their own psyche, and gave them the tools to be able to reflect internally on their own emotions and how it affected the team on the court. Athletes that had shown their upset with losing seemingly important games in the past were now able to reflect back and articulate to me that despite losing, what mattered the most was that they did the best that they could do, and that that was enough. We ended up being much more competitive and successful in our season than I ever could have imagined, and I know that much of that success can be attributed to what Mark instilled in them from the beginning of the season. I would highly recommend these sessions, especially to young athletes who don’t always understand why they feel the way they do.”